#22 Roadmap Cultural Strategy

In six workshops with partly more than 100 participants, in 33 qualitative interviews with experts from the Innsbruck art and culture sector, with a 33-member advisory board and a 7-member working group and under the leadership of a 5-member project team, the result of the participation process for the Innsbruck Cultural Strategy is available after a process of slightly more than one year. In all mentioned groups at least 50% women were represented. The result of the participation process serves as a basis for the political discussion, formulation and decision-making of the Innsbruck Cultural Strategy 2030.

For City Councillor for Culture Uschi Schwarzl, the process of developing the cultural strategy, for which Isabelle Brandauer and project manager Rita Hebenstreit are responsible, is a showcase project that invites to  participation and, with professional support and the greatest possible transparency, is intended to set new standards for how a city sets up its processes. This is also evident from the feedback of numerous participants, which can be read here: #19 Kulturstrategie 2030: Rückblick und Ausblick

An interesting insight into the cultural strategy process can also be read in the current March issue of Innsbruck informiert. In it, Manuela Schweigkofler, managing director of “Haus der Begegnung” and board member of the association “spectACT – Verein für politisches und soziales Theater”, and Ulrike Tanzer, vice rector and head of the research institute Brenner-Archiv at the University of Innsbruck, talk about their motivation and their role in the development of the cultural strategy: https://www.ibkinfo.at/media/13280/ibk_info_2203.pdf (page 36 and 37)

In April, the result of this transparent participation process will be published for review. Then political decisions will follow on the final Innsbruck Cultural Strategy 2030 and on which measures from the participation result will be prioritized and how funding will be secured. “Innsbruck is a city in which culture plays a very important role. We want to take our responsibility for this role and the many people who have participated in this process in their spare time and contributed their ideas for the Innsbruck Cultural Strategy 2030,” says City Councillor for Culture Uschi Schwarzl.